sábado, 8 de diciembre de 2012


Buenooooo de acuerdo a mi comentario del dia de ayer voy a comenzar con sobornossssss!!!. A mi seguidor (sino lo eres aún apuntateeeee) que comente más durante esta semana le regalaré ta, ta taaaaannnnn, una fabulooosaaaa chapa con un diseño elaborado por mi, seguramente mi avatar (la loremaiden original) o si he terminado la nueva imagen del blog con ella. Bueno vamos con la canción del día, Interpol es una banda formada en el año 1998, de su album Antics, sale esta canción que me encantaaaa se llama "Evil".

Pd: como verán,yo siempre de impaciente ya terminé la nueva imagen el blog, pues anda, nada del otro mundo, pero me siento feliz con mi nuevo banner, a los que hayan visto el primero que tuve pues este es más "Yo" jeje. A ver, a ver quien da más, comenten, comenten, opinen, dejen de ser pichirres que por comentar no cobrar nada.


Heaven restores you in life 
You're coming with me 
Through the aging, the fearing, the strife 

It's the smiling on the package 
It's the faces in the sand 
It's the thought that moves you upwards 
Embracing me with two hands 

Right, will take you places 
Yeah maybe to the beach 
When your friends they do come crying 
Tell them now your pleasure's set up on slow-release 

Hey wait. 
Great smile, 
Sensitive to faith not denial 

But hey who's on trial? 

It took a life span with no cellmate 
The long way back 
Sandy, why can't we look the other way? 

He speaks about travel 
Yeah, we think about the land 
We smile like all people 
Feeling real tan 

I can take you places 
Do you need a new man? 
Wipe the pollen from the faces 
Make revision to a dream while you wait in the van 

Hey wait 
Great smile 
Sensitive to faith not denial 

But hey who's on trial? 

It took a life span with no cellmate 

Find a long way back 
Sandy, why can't we look the other way? 
You're weightless, you are exotic 
You need something for which to care 
Sandy, why can't we look the other way? 

Leave some shards under the belly 
Lay some grease inside my hand 
It's a sentimental jury 
And the makings of a good plan 
You've come to love me lightly 
Yeah you've come to hold me tight 
Is this motion everlasting 
Or do shutters pass in the night? 

Oh heaven restores you in life 

I spent a lifespan with no cellmate 
The long way back 
Sandy, why can't we look the other way? 
You're weightless, semi-erotic 
You need someone to take you there 

Sandy, why can't we look the other way? 

Why can't we just play the other game? 

Why can't we just look the other way?

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